Enviro care Uganda


Enviro care Uganda is proud to be a member of the following organizations having their core activities closely related to our values. We salute the existence of the following organizations where we are recognized partners/members:-

  • Uganda National Biogas Alliance (UNBA). UNBA is an umbrella alliance of all participating Biogas organizations in Uganda.
  • Biomass Energy Efficiency Technologies Association (BEETA),
  • Hydropower Association of Uganda (HPAU),
  • Uganda Solar Energy Association (USEA),
  • Energy Efficiency Association of Uganda (Energy Auditors-EEAU),
  • Wind Power Association Uganda (WPAU).

ENVIROCARE fall under the umbrella alliance platform of Uganda National Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Alliance (UNREEEA) of all renewable energy and energy efficiency participating organizations in Uganda identified above with its head office in the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Development (MEMD).

ENVIROCARE’s active partnerships developed with various organizations with close or similar activities coupled with its staff expertise has built the organizations capacity to undertake any assignment that promote achievement of sustainable development goals to unprecedented outcomes/project deliverables.


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Copyright ©2017 – Enviro Care Uganda -[ENVIROCARE]


Telephone : +256 041 265 389   |  +256 200 425 323    |  info@envirocareug.com